The plant

Plant part: Branch
Origin: France
The CADE juniper, the most common of Mediterranean junants, is a small tree or a shrub, frequent in the Mediterranean coastal region, where it is one of the characteristic plants of the scrubland. Gift wood powder is known to be a natural incense with a cleaning power. In the Middle Ages, it was also widely disseminated for these properties during large epidemics of plague and cholera. In Morocco, gift oil is used to abstract the earth jars containing water.
What are the benefits of Cade
The cade plant has many benefits for the skin, especially for people suffering from eczema, psoriasis and dandruff. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, it is able to relieve itching, redness and irritation caused by these skin conditions. By using cade-based products, you can also reduce the appearance of dandruff and rebalance the scalp by regulating sebum production. In addition to soothing skin problems, the cade plant also helps purify and detoxify the skin deeply, leaving it healthier and radiant.
Frequent questions
Où pousse le cade ?
La Cade pousse à l'état sauvage sur tout le pourtour de la Méditerranée. Le Cade distillé chez Essenciagua est récolté en France pour garantir plus de fraicheur et par conséquent, une meilleure qualité de notre Huile Essentielle de Cade.
Quelle est la différence entre le genévrier et le cade ?
Le Cade est un genévrier. Il se distingue du genévrier commun par son aspect. Les aiguilles et les baies qu'ils produisent sont assez différentes. Si, les aiguilles du Cade sont piquantes et marquées de deux bandes blanches sur la face supérieure, celles du genévrier n'en ont qu'une.
Les baies du Cade ont une couleur rouge/brun. Le genévrier commun produit quant à lui, des baies bien connues pour aromatiser certains plats. Celles-ci sont plus petites et bleutées et se distingue ainsi de celle du Cade.
The Products

Cade essential oil
Esseciagua's essential oil is a high quality natural product, certified organic, offering complete traceability.Extracted from the juniperus oxycedrus, a Mediterranean shrub, this essential oil is recognized for its beneficial properties on eczema, psoriasis and dandruff.
Its unique composition makes it effective to soothe and regenerate the skin affected by eczema and psoriasis.Its antiseptic and healing properties help reduce irritation, thus promoting faster healing and a...
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