When you are stressed or when you have to face a situation that anxious, drink a tablespoon of verbena hydrosol diluted in a little lukewarm water. It’s just as well in cold water, depending on your taste
You can also use a inhaler stick whose cotton wick is soaked with verbena hydrosol. Some deep inspirations allow you to feel more serene.
If you have the opportunity, after a stressful day and have trouble calming down at night, take a bath in which you pour 50 to 100 ml of verbena hydrosol. This is the guaranteed zenitude.
The proposed protocol does not imply any particular contraindication, whether the hydrosol be ingested, inhaled or diluted in contact with the skin.
The Products

Hydrolat Lemon verbena from Tarn
The lemon verbena hydrosol of Essenciagua, of food quality, is a treasure of well-being and health. Originally from France, lemon verbena (Lippia Citriodora), also known as the odorous verbena, is a perennial aromatic shrub from Latin America. Traditionally used in Peruvian and medicine cuisine, this plant is particularly recommended for treating depressive states, anxiety, stress and associated digestive disorders.
This hydrosol acts effectively on stress and nervousness. In inhalation or vaporization, it helps reduce anxiety and promotes a state of serenity. Its use before bedtime, whether vaporizing on the pillow or added in a drink, promotes restorative sleep thanks to its relaxing properties.
In addition to its effects on the nervous system, lemony verbena hydrosol has digestive and calming properties for the stomach, relieving nausea and transport evil. It is also effective in regulating sebum production, which is useful for skin and oily hair.
Finally, lemony verbena hydrosol can be used to create a relaxing atmosphere conducive to meditation, thanks to its invigorating and refreshing properties, thus helping to fight intellectual fatigue and overwork.
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