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When I have a foot fungus

When I have a foot fungus
When I have a foot fungus

My testimony

Last year, during a trade show, I was bothered by itching between my toes. In the evening, while inspecting my feet, I noticed that my skin in those areas was red, and that I had a blister on the side of one toe. I had never had this. A pharmacist friend told me it was a foot fungus, or “athlete’s foot”. This name made me smile; I did a lot of sport until about ten years ago, but unfortunately I hardly do it anymore. The mushrooms must have benefited from doubly favorable terrain. The fatigue of the moment undoubtedly led to a slight drop in immunity and the fact of spending several days with shoes that were too hot and not sufficiently breathable created a hot and humid atmosphere, ideal conditions for the development of fungi.

My tip

For these fungal infections, I prepared a spray with 30 ml of Douglas fir hydrosol and 30 ml of laurel hydrosol in a 60 ml spray bottle. I sprayed morning and evening. As soon as I got home, I took off my shoes and socks to let my feet air out and breathe. Fearing that the mycosis would take too long to disappear, I completed this treatment with a very simple aromatic preparation. I mixed 40 ml of good quality cosmetic aloe vera gel (you can find it on slow-cosmetique.com) with 40 drops of Douglas fir essential oil and 40 drops of noble laurel essential oil in a bottle of 50ml. I applied this mixture in the evening before going to bed. Everything is back to normal after a good week. Not wanting to stop too soon for fear of it starting again, I continued the applications for another week.
Since then, I have recommended the hydrosol mixture to several people who have not needed to resort to the preparation based on essential oils.

What does herbal medicine say?

Foot fungus is an inflammation of the skin that affects the space between the toes. It is caused by a microscopic fungus that loves humidity. The infection causes itching, sometimes blistering or cracking, and dryness of the skin. The resulting dander is found on the floor or in laundry, two possible transmission vectors. Since the fungus is very contagious, it is important to act quickly to prevent it from spreading to other parts of the body or infecting other people.
Douglas fir hydrosol (composed of more than 80% monoterpenols) is an immunity stimulant, anti-infectious and antifungal. It is perfectly suited to the treatment of mycoses.

Did you know ?

Douglas fir hydrosol also turns out to be a real “smell eater”! It is ideal to diffuse in a room to make cooking or cigarette smells disappear. In our home, it has become unbeatable in the toilet! There is a small spray filled with Douglas fir hydrosol in each toilet. A few sprays make bad odors completely disappear. This is done with a 100% natural and completely harmless product.

I use hydrosols SAFELY

The tip presented with the mixture of hydrosols has no contraindications. As a precaution, the aromatic preparation should not be used in children under 6 years old.


Douglas fir is native to coastal regions of North America. It was introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century by David Douglas, a gardener, botanist and explorer of Scottish origin, who gave it its French name. It is a conifer with very soft needles, like the citrus scent they give off when crushed. Douglas fir grows quickly, which explains its regular use in reforestation missions. Due to its composition and its resistance to fungi, it is a wood that allows treatments to be avoided for outdoor use or in humid areas. It is very frequently used for house cladding.

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Hydrolat Douglas

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