The plant
Plant part: Branch
Origin: France
Originally from the American West Coast, the Epricéa Sitka was introduced in the 19th century in the parks, and used after the Second World War as a reforestation essence, particularly in Finistère and in Côtes d'Armor.
Use particularly suitable for dissemination, especially during periods when the various winter conditions are encountered.
What are the benefits of sitka spruce
Sitka spruce is a plant with many health benefits. Indeed, its anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable ally in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. By reducing joint inflammation, it relieves pain and improves mobility for people suffering from these conditions. Additionally, sitka spruce is also beneficial for respiratory problems such as bronchitis. Its expectorant and antiseptic properties help clear the respiratory tract and fight infections. In short, sitka spruce is a versatile plant capable of providing natural and effective relief for many everyday ailments.
The Products
Essential Oil Epicea Sitka
Essenciagua's essential oil Epricéa Sitka is a naturally toning product, acting effectively on muscle pain, cramps and eczema. This essential oil, from Picea Sitchensis, is handcrafted at low temperature to best keep its therapeutic properties.
Epricéa Sitka is known for its antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties, making this essential oil particularly effective in relieving muscle pain and cramps. In local application, it helps to relax outstretched muscles and reduce...
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