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Black spine

The plant

Black spine
Latin: Picea Mariana

Plant part: Branch

Origin: Canada

Black spruce, or black spruce, is a common conifer in the northern east of the United States, and more particularly in Canada where it is one of the most common conifers. This is one of the most resistant species of spruces, it pushes to the edge of the tundra, and survives in the boreal forests known for their low temperatures. The black spruce is a regenerator that hunts the lack of energy. It brings back the enthusiasm, and the desire to move forward. A small friction of black spruce, up to corticosurrenales, and it's off!

What are the benefits of black spruce

Black spruce is a plant with multiple health benefits. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is particularly effective in relieving pain associated with arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. In addition to its analgesic properties, it is also recognized for its stimulating and invigorating effects, which makes it a great ally in the fight against physical and mental fatigue. By consuming black spruce regularly, we can benefit from its many medicinal properties and improve our well-being in a natural way.

Frequent questions

Comment utiliser l’Épinette noire ?

On utilise aussi bien le bois que les aiguilles de l’Épinette. Si le bois est utilisé en menuiserie, les aiguilles peuvent quant à elles être consommées. On peut par exemple s'en servir pour aromatiser des plats et boissons.
L’Épinette noire est généralement utilisée sous forme d'Huile Essentielle. Suivant l'effet recherché l'Huile Essentielle d’Épinette noire peut-être utilisée de différentes façons :
1. En inhalation ou en diffusion pour purifier l'air ou soulager les symptômes des affections ORL ;
2. Voie cutanée : l'Huile Essentielle d’Épinette noire peut être appliquée en massage sur la peau, diluée dans une huile végétale comme du macérat huileux d'Arnica;
3. Voie orale : cet usage est possible même s'il est moins courant.

The Products

Black Epinette essential oil

Black Epinette essential oil

The essential oil of black spruce, distilled by Essenciagua, is a jewel of nature, certified organic, from the boreal forests of Canada.Known under the Latin name Picea Mariana, this oil is extracted from the branches of the black spruce, a resistant conifer that thrives in cold climates and rocky floors.

This essential oil is a powerful revitalizing.It effectively fights fatigue, whether physical or mental, and promotes concentration.Its invigorating and anti-inflammatory...

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