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When I want to boost my immunity

When I want to boost my immunity
When I want to boost my immunity

My testimony

I really like autumn for the palette of colors that the landscapes offer us. These warm colors soothe my heart when the days get shorter, when the temperatures drop and the humidity sets in. They also remind me that it is time to think about protecting myself from viruses and other bacteria that are starting to proliferate. I have been using hydrosols before winter for several years now to ensure I get through the cold season in great shape, by stimulating my natural defenses.

My tip

Good immunity is favored by a set of factors which should not be neglected. Sleep is one. A varied diet of seasonal products also conditions part of our immunity, as does regular physical activity, if possible outdoors.
Regardless of this lifestyle, I got into the habit before winter of taking a course of thujanol thyme hydrosol, for 3 months, at a rate of 2 tablespoons of hydrosol diluted in 1 liter of water, 3 weeks per month. This allows me to cleanse my body and help it better defend itself against external attacks. By also taking advantage of the stimulating (physical and psychological) and positive effects of thyme, welcome in winter. In combination, to limit the proliferation of germs in the office or at home and purify the air breathed, I use a fogger (ultrasonic diffuser) to diffuse Douglas fir hydrosol, at least an hour during the morning and one during the afternoon or evening. Douglas fir hydrosol is a very good anti-infective, immunity stimulant, with a very sweet and fruity odor, very pleasant and effective in diffusion.

What does herbal medicine say?

Thyme has been used since ancient times. Saint Hildegard considered it a panacea. The thyme family is large: among the thymus vulgaris, we distinguish different chemotypes, some composed mainly of phenols (thymol, carvacrol), others of alcohols (linalool, thujanol, geraniol among others). Thujanol thyme is a powerful, broad-spectrum anti-infective. It stimulates immunity, mainly in the respiratory, urogynecological and digestive spheres. It is a general tonic, physically and psychologically stimulating, nervous rebalancing, positive. It also activates blood circulation, tones the capillary vessels (interesting in Raynaud's disease, sheet 17) and stimulates liver regeneration. Without phenols, it is powerful without being aggressive.

Did you know ?

The botanical name of plants can sometimes be evocative or make you smile. Indeed, the thymus is also a small endocrine gland specific to vertebrates, located between the heart and the sternum. It fulfills several functions. The main one is the production, maturation and differentiation of T lymphocytes, cells of the immune system, essential to fight against different foreign antigens capable of invading the body So ​​thymus and thymus, simple coincidence?

I use hydrosols SAFELY

The proposed tip does not present any contraindication, whether for internal treatment or diffusion. For a child, we will replace the tablespoons with teaspoons for the thyme hydrosol treatment.

THYMUS VULGARIS CT ​​thujanol Thyme with thujanol

Thyme belongs to the Lamiaceae family and has more than 300 different species. It is a perennial sub-shrub, small, very aromatic, found mainly in the scrublands of the Mediterranean basin. It grows on poor soils, almost on the
bare limestone rock, in full sun. The different thymes have quite similar morphologies but have very different aromas and odors, depending on their chemotype and their terroir. Thujanol thyme is a powerful anti-infectious agent, stimulating immune defenses, neurotonic, mild, without any toxicity because it is phenolic-free.

The Products

Hydrolat Thym Thujanol Sauvage

Hydrolat Thym Thujanol Sauvage

Thym thym hydrosol of Essenciagua, with its biological certification, is a natural essence with multiple virtues. Recognized for its disinfectant and invigorating properties, this hydrosol is particularly effective against angina and various winter conditions, acting as an effective immune stimulant.

Used regularly, Thym Thujanol hydrosol helps strengthen the body's natural defenses, thus offering additional protection during periods of vulnerability to infections. It is also an...

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