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Detox Cure - Advice from François Tournay

Detox Cure - Advice from François Tournay

Discover Francois Tournay's natural tips to prepare for the change of season with our blend of hydrosols:

🌿Détox'O: synergy of Lovage, Carrot and Rosemary

For a Detox Cure 🧑‍⚕️

👉🏻 With Détox'O: take a tablespoon at mealtime (up to 3 times a day); or dilute 3 tablespoons in 1L of water, to drink throughout the day.

👉🏻 Additional with lovage essential oil or rosemary verbenone: one drop in the food bowl in the morning in a piece of bread or in a spoonful of honey for 3 weeks.

Here are François' tips

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