The plant

Plant part: Flowery
Origin: France
Also called "" immortelle "" because it does not fade, this yellow flower is a concentrate of sun (helios) and gold (chrysos) but also of properties tremendously gathered in one and the same plant. Plant of the Mediterranean periphery, this Asteraceae loves in particular the arid and sandy soils of Corsica or Sardinia, but also knows how to adapt very well throughout the south of France. Majority presence of esters (ac. Of neryle) and ketones (diones) whose very fluctuating concentration determines variable quality levels depending on the origin and work carried out. Its distillation is echeloned according to the region from the end of June to the end of July. "
What are the benefits of Italian Helichrysum Immortelle?
Italian helichrysum essential oil, also known as immortelle, is known for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Thanks to its active compounds, it is effective in reducing bruises and bumps by speeding up the healing of damaged tissues. This herb is also beneficial for scars, as it promotes cell regeneration and reduces the appearance of marks on the skin. In case of sprain, Italian helichrysum can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In short, this plant is a true ally for the health and beauty of the skin.
Frequent questions
Comment utiliser l'Hélichryse italienne ?
Petite plante à l'odeur épicée et chaude, l'Immortelle est connue depuis des siècles pour ses bienfaits sur la circulation sanguine. On la consomme de plusieurs manières : - Infusion : Ajoutez une cuillère à soupe de fleurs séchées dans une tasse d'eau frémissante. Laissez infuser pendant 5 à 10 minutes, puis filtrez avant de boire.
- Hydrolat : L'eau florale d'Hélichryse est recommandée pour nettoyer en douceur, le visage et le contour des yeux. Elle est particulièrement recommandée pour les peaux matures. Notre précieuse eau florale d'Immortelle, peut être consommée en boisson pure ou diluée dans de l'eau ou un mélange de boissons.
-Huile Essentielle : Cette huile peut être utilisée par voie orale ou cutanée. Pour un usage par voie cutanée, diluez quelques gouttes d'Huile Essentielle d'Hélichryse italienne dans une huile végétale, puis appliquer sur la peau. Pour une application sur le visage, on privilégiera une huile végétale légère comme l'huile de jojoba ou l'huile de noyaux d'abricot.
-Teinture-mère : La teinture-mère d'Hélichryse italienne est une alternative naturelle qui permet de profiter de ses vertus pour la santé.
More about Italian Helichryse
The Products

Italian Helichryse hydrosol
The Italian Helichrysus hydrosol of Essentials, certified organic, is an exceptional product, produced in France.Distilled with untreated spring water, this hydrosol draws its benefits from the Helichryrysum Italicum also called immortal, a Mediterranean plant known for its bright yellow flowers and its extraordinary properties.
This hydrosol is particularly recognized for its anti-hematoma capacities and its beneficial effects on circulatory disorders.It accelerates the absorption...
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Italian Helichryse essential oil
The essential oil of Italian Helichrysus of EssentiCiagua, extracted from the Helichryrysum Italicum and certified organic, is a concentrate of benefits for the skin and health.Originally from France, this oil is obtained by artisanal distillation, thus preserving its precious active ingredients.
Recognized for its anti-aging properties, Helichryse oil also called immortelle attenuates wrinkles and promotes venous circulation, making the skin firmer and radiant.It is also effective...
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The Distillation