The plant

Plant part: Flowery
Origin: France
Perennial plant 10 to 30 cm high from the Asteraceae family, Roman chamomile, rare in France, is cultivated in Anjou under its double variety. Its name comes from the Greek and refers to the fact that the chamomile grows near the ground (chamos) and that the fragrance of its fairly open flowers recalls that of the apple (Melos). Roman because cultivated in Rome in the 16th and 17th century. A bitter tonic, this plant is recommended to be accompanied by digestion, and is used in culinary, medical and cosmetic use.
What are the benefits of Roman Chamomile
Roman chamomile is a plant with multiple health benefits. In cases of anxiety or emotional shock, it helps calm the nerves and promote relaxation. Its infusion is also effective in relieving the symptoms of conjunctivitis thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Additionally, Roman chamomile is often used to treat insomnia, promoting restful and soothing sleep. Finally, this plant is also known for its cleansing properties for the skin, helping to eliminate impurities and soothe skin irritations. Used in different forms, Roman chamomile is a versatile natural remedy that can be beneficial for many conditions.
Frequent questions
Comment se servir de la Camomille romaine ?
La Camomille romaine peut être utilisée de différentes façons :
- Infusion : Ajoutez une cuillère à soupe de fleurs séchées dans une tasse d'eau frémissante. Laissez infuser pendant 5 à 10 minutes, puis filtrez avant de boire.
- Hydrolat : L'eau de Camomille romaine est recommandée pour nettoyer en douceur le visage et le contour des yeux. L'eau de Camomille peut être consommée en boisson pure ou diluée dans de l'eau ou un mélange de boissons.
-Huile Essentielle : Sous cette forme, plusieurs usages sont possibles. Diluez quelques gouttes d'Huile Essentielle de Camomille romaine dans une huile végétale puis massez les tempes, la nuque et le plexus solaire. Vous pouvez aussi versez quelques gouttes d'huile dans un diffuseur ou un inhalateur. Enfin, vous pouvez verser quelques gouttes d'huile essentielle dans un bain pour profiter de ses vertus relaxantes.
Quelle est la différence entre la camomille matricaire et la camomille romaine ?
La Camomille romaine et la Camomille matricaire sont deux plantes aux fleurs blanches. Si leurs cœurs sont tous les deux jaunes, leur formes diffèrent. Le cœur de la Camomille romaine a une forme arrondie. Il est semblable à un pompon. Le cœur de la Camomille matricaire, est quant à lui de forme conique.
More about Roman chamomile
The Products

Roman chamomile hydrosol
Roman chamomile hydrosol (Roman chamomile floral water) of Essenciagua, certified organic, is a versatile and soothing product, ideal for the well-being of body and mind, from infant to the elderly.Extremely soothing, this hydrosol comes from Roman chamomile (Chamaelum Nobile), a flourishing plant native to France, known for its calming and anti-inflammatory properties.
This hydrosol is particularly effective in soothing young and old, in a drink diluted in water.In addition, Roman...
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Roman chamomile essential oil
Roman chamomile essential oil from Esseciagua, chemotypical and botanically defined, is an exceptional organic product.Renowned for its post-shoc, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, this oil is a precious ally in pain management and inflammation.
Extracted from Roman chamomile, or Nobile Chamaememelum (noble chamomile), this essential oil is known for its calming and soothing effects, in particular for sensitive and irritated skin.It is ideal for relieving headaches,...
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The Distillation