The plant

Plant part: Flower
Origin: Iran
The Damascus rose is a bush, which looks like riding, pink and full flowers. It is found in Syria, Turkey, Bulgaria, Morocco, Russia, on sandy or rocky soils. Queen of flowers, the rose is the embodiment of perfection and beauty. It gives off a complete and harmonious fragrance. Since Antiquity, Damascus rose has been known for its bewitching perfume, embodying beauty and perfection. Rose picking must be done by hand according to ancestral know-how. In the full season, between May and June, the pickers get up at dawn: the flower must indeed be harvested between five and nine in the morning before the heat makes its delicate essence disappear. It is then distilled within 24 hours so as not to lose its perfume. The low yield of this flower in HE The reserve to noble uses, generally in cosmetics or synergy with other HEs in emotional destination mixtures. Damascus rose hydrosol is, par excellence, the ally of the skin, in particular of the face.
What are the benefits of Damascus Rose?
Damascus rose is a plant with multiple benefits for the skin and mind. It is particularly effective in treating skin conditions such as rosacea and rosacea, by soothing redness and reducing inflammation. In addition, its anti-aging properties make it a great ally to fight against wrinkles and revitalize the skin. On an emotional level, damask rose is also known for its soothing and antidepressant properties. It promotes relaxation and meditation, helping to calm the mind and regain a feeling of inner well-being. By incorporating damask rose into your skincare routine, you will benefit from more beautiful skin and a peaceful mind.
Frequent questions
Comment utiliser la Rose de Damas ?
Connue pour ses vertus anti-inflammatoires et stimulantes, la Rose de Damas peut être utilisée de différentes façons :
- Infusion : Ajoutez une cuillère à soupe de fleurs fraiches ou séchées dans une tasse d'eau frémissante. Laissez infuser pendant 5 à 10 minutes, puis filtrez avant de boire.
- Hydrolat : L'eau de Rose est recommandée pour nettoyer et hydrater en douceur la peau et le contour des yeux. L’Hydrolat de Rose de Damas peut également être utilisé pour aromatiser vos desserts et cocktails. Pur ou dilué dans de l'eau ou dans un mélange de boissons, il ravira à coup sûr vos papilles.
-Huile Essentielle : Toujours diluée pour éviter les irritations, l'Huile Essentielle de Rose de Damas, est une huile particulièrement réputée et précieuse. Elle est adaptée à un usage par voie cutanée, par voie orale, en diffusion ou en inhalation.
-Macérât huileux : moins concentré que l'Huile essentielle, le macérat huileux de Rose renferme ses bienfaits mais moins efficacement.
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The Distillation