The plant

Plant part: Branch
Origin: France
Small tree 10 to 15m high, with a tortuous silhouette and persistent leaves that are mainly found in New Caledonia, Madagascar and Australia. Its bark, made up of a superposition of layers which frightened easily, is at the origin of its appellation "of skin with skin". It is said that, in New Caledonia, it was customary at the birth of a child to wrap him in these fine bark layers in order to ensure him strength and protection.
What are the benefits of Douglas fir
Douglas fir is a beneficial plant for relieving many respiratory conditions such as bronchitis, fungal infections and colds. Thanks to its antiseptic and expectorant properties, Douglas fir is effective in clearing the respiratory tract and facilitating breathing. Inhaled or diffused, this plant helps relieve coughs, expectoration and sore throats. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, Douglas fir also helps reduce inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes, thus promoting faster healing of respiratory infections.
Frequent questions
Comment utiliser le Sapin Douglas ?
On utilise aussi bien le bois que les aiguilles de Sapin Douglas. Son bois est notamment utilisé en menuiserie. Les aiguilles peuvent quant à elles être consommées. On peut par exemple s'en servir pour aromatiser des plats et boissons.
Le Pin Douglas est également utilisé sous forme :
- d'Huile Essentielle : Suivant l'effet recherché, elle peut-être utilisée :
1. En inhalation ou en diffusion pour purifier l'air ou soulager les symptômes des affections ORL ;
2. Voie cutanée : l'Huile Essentielle de Douglas peut être appliquée en massage sur la peau, diluée dans une huile végétale comme du macérat huileux d'Arnica;
3. Voie orale : cet usage est possible même s'il est moins courant.
- d'Hydrolat: produit de la distillation à la vapeur des rameaux de Douglas, il contient les composés solubles dans l'eau de la plante ainsi qu'une infime partie de l'huile essentielle. Son utilisation peut être donc être une solution plus douce que le recours à l'Huile essentielle en particulier pour le visage.
More about Douglas tree
The Products

Hydrolat Douglas
The Douglas d'Esseciagua hydrosol, distilled with artisanal expertise, is a treasure of health and well-being benefits.Coming from pseudotsuga, a small tree 10 to 15 meters high, this hydrosol is renowned for its fungicidal and purifying properties.
The Douglas pine hydrosol is made up of more than 80% of MonoterPenols, which makes it a good stimulant of immunity, an anti -infectious and an antifungal.
In drink, Douglas hydrosol is effective in strengthening the immune...
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Douglas essential oil
The essential oil of Douglas d'Esseciagua, extracted from the pseudotsuga menziesii, is a precious essence distilled with an expertise and artisanal know-how.Pized for its disinfectant properties, this majestic tree, native to North American forests, also called Douglas pine, offers an essential oil that purifies air and effectively fights yeast infections.
With its wooded and fresh scent, Douglas essential oil is an excellent choice for creating a purified and revitalizing...
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The Distillation